Friday, May 23, 2008

It ain't easy being green

I'm doing well using my reusable shopping bags most of the time but what's up with the baggers? When I tell them I have my own bag, they look at my like I'm speaking another language. Some times the checkers look for a tag to scan (whether the bag bears their logo or not) after I give them my bags And on a couple of occasions, the baggers continue to use the plastic frustrating ! At wal-mart I bought a few things and had my own bag, (which translates to some checkers as "I'll bag my own stuff" and they won't even touch your bag) any, I did bag my stuff and left the milk out on purpose since it was kinda wet. He said he would bag it for me and I said no, that's okay I'll just carry it. But he couldn't help himself and felt compelled to waste plastic and bag it anyway!! Ugh! I will put all of America at fault though because if more people would use cloth bags then I wouldn't be treated like such a weirdo.


John Michael said...

Do what we do - save those plastic baggies and use them as trashbags! :)


Cindi said...

I do that and still have so many bags that I cannot justify getting more!

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