It's been one week since my last real shampoo (you're supposed to use the baking soda 2 times a week but I think today was my 3rd time) and although I really don't like posting my big cheesy mug, I feel it's only fair you get to see what my hair looks like, bad pic and all.
I can't believe how normal it looks.

That being said, it doesn't feel good - I usually prefer to wear it up, especially now. I don't like to run my fingers through it (but it's not itchy) and I'm becoming a bit concerned about the amount of powder in it, lol.
My husband, as you may have read, is begging me to wash it but he used to take 3 showers a day so he's not normal himself (can you say OCD?)...and my sister said it doesn't stink (thanks for being brave enough to smell, Lin).
I didn't think the whole "color treated hair" thing through, though because my hair is highlighted (remember January's color fiasco?) and I do need to have it high/lowlighted again or maybe I'll do an all-over color...any thoughts about how to proceed?
Well, not sure Cindi since it's colored how to do it without being does look good though, I decided I will compromise and use shampoo every 3rd day while still condioning, I really can't go without conditioner, I wouldn't get a comb through it, so that is better than poo daily, right??? anyway, I am not sure how to do it with your color, I would think you would still have to shampoo it to get all the color out...
It looks really shiny! :)
I started the "No Poo" this week also. I like the way my hair is looking and feeling. Less frizzed, less dry and tons of shine. I am going to get my hair highlighted on Friday. I will post & let you know what happens. I am more concerned about using the baking soda & vinegar on freshly highlighted hair than I am about them using shampoo, I can always decline the poo & just have them condition..., I was wondering if it would have any adverse reactions, like turning my hair an awful shade of green!
Good for you on sticking to the no- poo. I think it looks great! You are about to hit the falling out period...UGH! Remember that?
Not sure how to proceed but it looks great! Still really scared to try it!
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