My hair was already a couple of days dirty so I "washed" with baking soda and had an incredible urge to add something that I could suds to the mixture, but I didn't. It felt dry afterwards because I wasn't fully prepared for my experiment and didn't have my apple cider vinegar "conditioner" yet.
I dried it as usual and put it up in a clip because I couldn't stand to wear it down...felt too gunky. I also made it a point to put make up on so I wouldn't look so gross :{
I have a feeling my hair is going to be "up" a lot in the days to come!
And we're having dinner with (new) friends tonight... :0
How long can I stand this?
Voice your opinion on the new poll.

Girl, good for you! When you have lovely chemical free hair we will all be jealous!
Cindi....please pick up the shampoo bottle and use it. Don't scare away potential friends with your crunchy hair...just think how much fun you could have with NEW friends in Oklahoma....and your hair may ruin
Okay, I did this and lasted two day with no poo, I couldn't take it,it felt dirty and gross to me, I don't see how people do this, now I heard of people do shampoo every other day, but freely use conditioner doesn't strip your hair of oils or something like that, anyway, I couldn't handle it so I quit, plus the thought of apple cider vinegar I put in my coleslaw didn't sound appealing to me..oh well, let me know, maybe you will have better luck than I did!!!!!
you are weird. I never would have thought it would come to this.
please do the right thing and end this hippie experiment immediately.
LOL at Bryce!
I told JM about this - this weekend and his first thought, "I wonder what Bryce thinks about this." LOL
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